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Crystals and gemstones for the Root Chakra

Crystals and gemstones for the Root Chakra

Posted by Cathryn Blair on 3rd Jun 2024

Root Chakra Blockage Symptoms & How To Unblock It

The root chakra symbolizes our physical existence and sense of security and safety. It governs our primal instincts of security and survival. The very essence of grounding, stability and security it exudes a powerful influence over our well-being. When applying the Primary Chakra System, it is also the first of seven energy centres in the body.

Location: Situated at the base of the spinal cord, near the perineum (the area between your anus and scrotum or vulva).

Sanskrit: Muladhara Chakra.

Colour associations: Red, Black.

Symbol: red lotus flower with four petals, often with a square and an inverted triangle at its centre.

Qi: Yang.

Physical: Spine.


Elements: Earth.

When imbalanced energy blockages and negative emotions such as anxiety, fear, and guilt may persist. When aligned it propels one towards a more harmonious and balanced existence. Let’s look at some examples of how these symptoms can manifest in your daily life.

Physical symptoms: 

  • Issues with the legs, feet, lower back, and immune system. 
  • May include frequent lower back pain, poor circulation in the legs, or feet problems.
  • A weakened immune response.

Emotional symptoms:

  • Insecurity or low self-esteem, fear, anxiety, and a lack of trust.
  • Constant worry about finances, job security, or basic needs (even if you have a huge house and money in the bank).
  • Experiencing an anxiety or eating disorder.
  • Prone to panic attacks.
  • A sense of restlessness or an inability to feel grounded and present in the moment.

Behavioural symptoms: 

  • A root chakra imbalance can lead to certain behavioural patterns. Some may experience excessive materialism and obsession with accumulating possessions or wealth as a means of feeling secure. 
  • Scarcity mindset - where you constantly feel deprived and unable to enjoy the present moment. 
  • Consistent occurrence of poor focus.

Now that you have an understanding of the symptoms that can manifest with an imbalanced root chakra, let’s look at some healing techniques.

Mantras & Chanting:

  • I am.
  • I see the source.

The Root Chakra’s mantra is “LAM.” Chanting “LAM” while focusing on the base of the spine can help ground and stabilize your energy.


Fire Agate | Moss Agate | Amber | Red Amethyst | Search Bloodstone | Red Calcite | CarnelianChrysocollaCitrine | Dragon Stone | Garnet | Hematite | Kambaba Jasper | Poppy Jasper | Red Jasper | Labradorite | Limonite | Black Obsidian | Onyx | Chinese Red Quartz | Harlequin Quartz | Smoky Quartz | Ruby | Star Ruby | Serpentine | Shungite | Topaz - Golden Topaz | Black Tourmaline | Pink Tourmaline.

Browse Root Chakra crystals here.

Sound Healing Frequencies: Keynote A for singing bowls. Natural 432 Hz; and aligns harmoniously with the 396 Hz Solfeggio frequency.

Angels & Spirit Guides: Archangel Gabriel.

Essential Oils: Cedarwood, Benzoin, Myrrh, Black Pepper, Patchouli, Vetiver.

~ Love and Light ~