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What does it mean if a crystal or gemstone gets lost, misplaced, broken or damaged?

What does it mean if a crystal or gemstone gets lost, misplaced, broken or damaged?

Posted by Cathryn Blair on 26th Jul 2021

Have you ever lost or broken a crystal? While it can be distressing it is not the end of the world, it actually opens the door to a new world of opportunities. If the crystal is lost or broken, at its essence it signifies that a shift has taken place.


If it is lost, there are different metaphysical interpretations, including:

  1. it has done its job and you no longer need the energy of the crystal.
  2. the crystal was not compatible with your current needs or vibration.
  3. you need a stronger or larger stone.
  4. you didn't cleanse it regularly. 


The energetic meaning of crystal and gemstone damage:

First things first, the crystal may well have already done its job – as per your intention; and it is no longer needed, so it may be time to move onto a different one.

Second, it could mean that the crystal is not compatible with your energy - for example, it could be too strong, or the frequency is too high or low. Double check the crystal meaning and its healing properties to ensure that it is the perfect crystal for your needs right now.

If the crystal is damaged, depending on the level of damage you can still use the stone, check out our recycling ideas below.

What can you do if you lose your favourite crystal or gemstone or it cracks or breaks? Then try one of the 4R's


If it is lost or simply misplaced, then the crystal has chosen to take a break and it is a clear sign to give the crystal a rest, to move on to another crystal. If you are lucky and recover it - then cleanse it or clear the energy*.


Usually for a broken gemstone, the most economical way would be to replace it as the other options are more costly and time consuming most of the time. However, if the gem means something special or if the damage is not serious, you can consider the suggestions below.


Sometimes a breakage means that it is time to recycle or to return it to its earth origins.

Repurpose: You could try to make something from it like incorporate into a pot plant or terrarium.

Return to its origins: Not literally the place that it was found, try burying it in the backyard or into a pot plant.

Reset the stone: Depending on the location of the crack and the size of the crack it might be possible to be set in a different setting to hide the damage.

Recut or polish: Sometimes if the crack or chip is very small, it might be possible for the gem to be recut into a slightly smaller gem. If it is a larger sized gem that is cracked or broken into sizeable chunks, it’s possible to find an expert to recut and polish into smaller stones. However, this could be costly and the gems after cutting are likely to be much smaller.


Try and remember to cleanse and recharge your crystals. If your crystal is not cleared, cleansed and allowed to recharge it can become overwhelmed or overworked – yes, just like us!

Want to know more, check the Storage and Care instructions on our Crystal A-Z page, or read one of our blog articles on Cleansing and Recharging (coming soon) or Setting your Intention.

Disclaimer: The article above is a collection of information from different sources. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be regarded as health or personal advice.