Located at the pelvic floor, in the bottom three vertebrae and the base of the spine. The base chakra symbolizes our physical existence and sense of security and safety.
The root chakra symbolizes our primal instincts of security and survival. The very essence of grounding, stbility and security it exudes a powerful influence over our well-being. When imbalanced energy blockages and negative emotions such as anxiety, fear, and guilt could persist. When aligned it propels one towards a more harmonious and balanced existence.
Fire Agate | Moss Agate | Amber | Red Amethyst | Bloodstone | Red Calcite | Carnelian | Chrysocolla | Citrine | Dragon Stone | Garnet | Hematite | Kambaba Jasper | Poppy Jasper | Red Jasper | Labradorite | Limonite | Black Obsidian | Onyx | Chinese Red Quartz | Harlequin Quartz | Smoky Quartz | Ruby | Star Ruby | Serpentine | Shungite | Topaz - Golden Topaz | Black Tourmaline | Pink Tourmaline.
SANSKRIT: Muladhara. SYMBOL: red lotus flower with four petals, often with a square and an inverted triangle at its centre. ELEMENT: Earth. ENERGY: Yang. PHYSICAL: Spine.
COLOURS: Red, Black. ANGELS: Archangel Gabriel. ESSENTIAL OILS: Cedarwood, Benzoin, Myrrh, Black Pepper, Patchouli, Vetiver. SOUND HEALING FREQUENCIES: Keynote A; natural 432 Hz; and aligns harmoniously with the 396 Hz Solfeggio frequency.
MANTRAS: The Root Chakra’s mantra is “LAM.” Chanting “LAM” while focusing on the base of the spine can help ground and stabilize your energy. AFFIRMATIONS: I am. I see the source.