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Mixed Quartz 8mm Calming Bead Bracelet

Lesca Crystals

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Calming Mixed Quartz 8mm Bead Bracelet

Quartz, known as the Master Healer, is possibly the most versatile, multi-purpose, and powerful healing crystal around as it can be used for any condition and can help stimulate calm and balance, and elevate mood.

This bracelet features a lovely calming mix of Clear, Cherry, Rose and Smoky Quartz beads to provide balance and calm.


  • Polished 8mm Clear Quartz, Cherry Quartz, Rose Quartz and Smoky Quartz beads
  • Unisex bead bracelet
  • Durable, double elastic
  • Sizes available: Extra Small, Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large - see bracelet size guide
  • Price per bracelet


Master Healer Calming Balance Mental Clarity Immunity Love Compassion Physical & Emotional Healing Luck Vitality  Grounding Insight Mental Agility Confidence Transformation Manifestation Wealth

Clear Quartz stimulates the immune system and is useful for bringing the body into balance, amplifying energy systems and harmonizing chakras. Clear Quartz enhances psychic abilities, aids concentration and unlocks memory.

Along with the general benefits of master healer Quartz, Cherry Quartz can help to absorb, store, release, and regulate your energies by resetting your physical and energetic bodies. Cherry Quartz can help promote a healthy balance that keeps you centred and grounded - you may feel a surge in your personal power when wearing Cherry Quartz. An excellent charger stone, Cherry Quartz can also help to promote action and drive in life. It is a useful aid for regulating emotions and emotional responses. Its vibrant red colour signifies abundant vitality, strength, and energy. Cherry Quartz energies invite success and prosperity in career and business by bringing clarity and confidence to finances and helping to make intentions a reality.

The stone of unconditional love, Rose Quartz is as a powerful physical and emotional healing crystal. Good for healing relationship problems, promoting mutual understanding, inspiring an attitude of compassion and kindness. It’s also believed it can boost feelings of peace, calm and self-love. Rose Quartz strengthens the physical heart and circulatory system and releases impurities from body fluids. It is believed to increase fertility, helps the kidneys and adrenals, alleviates vertigo and is helpful for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Smoky Quartz enhance our efforts to change our situations, prospects, health, outlook or relationships. Smoky Quartz is very soothing and helpful healer as it brings emotional calmness and helps relieve stress and anxiety. Smoky Quartz is useful for dispersing fear and negativity, and lifting spirits. It is a very soothing and helpful healer it brings emotional calmness and helps relieve stress and anxiety. Useful for dispersing fear and negativity and lifting depression. Particularly effective for ailments of the abdomen, hips, and legs. Smoky Quartz aids the assimilation of minerals, benefits muscle and nerve tissue, fortifies the nerves, relieves pain including headaches and cramps, and benefits the reproductive system.

Chakras: All Chakras


  • To prevent breakage, roll your bracelet on and off.
  • Some crystals and gemstones can fade in sunlight.
  • When they are not being worn, crystals and gemstones should be wrapped in soft packaging and kept in a dry environment.

To learn more about crystals and stones and their origins, meanings and properties click here.