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Our Quick Guide to Pendulums

Our Quick Guide to Pendulums

Posted by Cathryn Blair on 29th Nov 2022

What is a pendulum and how can it work for me?

A pendulum is a divination tool which can be used to receive guidance and answers to your questions in a quick and simple way. They can be used solo, or they can also be used in combination with an oracle card spread or tarot card reading.


A pendulum is a small weight on a string or chain. It can be any weight, and it can be any sort of string, cord or chain. Pendulums come in different materials, shapes and sizes. Usually they are small enough to fit in the palm of the hand, and the chain or string is usually around 20-25cm long (anywhere from 8-10 inches).

Certain materials and crystals may appeal to you, what is important when selecting a pendulum is that you should be drawn to it. If buying it in person, we recommend that you pick it up and try it out.

REMEMBER: Your pendulum may not swing the same way as another person's!


To get started, find a quiet place where you will be free from any distractions.

The first step is to 'calibrate' your Pendulum so you can understand the answers to your questions.

  • Hold the top of the chain of the Pendulum, wait for it to be completely still.
  • Ask yourself some obvious questions, out loud or in your mind, where you know the answer to be a definite yes -- e.g. Am I alive? Am I smart? Is my name Xxx?
  • Wait for your pendulum to move and take note of the direction – it needs to be consistent for your questions; this is your 'yes' answer*.
  • Now repeat the process but for a 'no' answer*.
  • You can also ask your pendulum to show you a 'maybe' or ‘I don’t want to respond’ result.

*Be patient, you may need a couple of sessions to get it right.

- Cathryn x